LAB LAB is an experimental space.

Our work ranges from masks for Fashion Week, puppets on Broadway, and custom editorial props. If you can dream it, we can make it!


Hi! I’m Camille, a Drama Desk Award-winning Broadway Puppet Designer and Creative Director of LAB LAB. I have created puppets and props for Apple TV, HBOMax, TV commercials, and Fashion Week. I’m also a regular builder for the Jim Henson Company and Sesame Street. After earning degrees in sculpture from Yale and in Arts Education from Cambridge, I found that I'm happiest working with my hands to explore the intersection of art and craft. My sister, Rose, and I are so excited to bring you LAB LAB, a place for exceptional craftsmanship and design.


Hi! I’m Rose, an Emmy-winning Costumer/Crafter. I’ve created pieces for shows on HBOMax, Disney +, Apple TV, PBS and NBC. I am also a builder for The Jim Henson Company and get to hang out with my friends on Sesame Street as a recurring puppet wrangler! I’ve been lucky enough to work with Grammy, Tony and Emmy winning pros who have taught me everything I know. I’m so happy to join forces with my sister and collaborator, Camille, to bring you LAB LAB as our Co-Founder and Head Puppet Wrangler.


Artwork by @duhrivative